Friday 8 March 2013

Useful expressions

Here's this week's top 5 expressions I hear everyday from native English speakers:

1. You're a star.  - Thanks for your help. You're a star.

When someone helps me out I say 'you're a star!'
Tego wyrazenia uzywamy gdy ktos nam pomoze w rozwiazaniu jakiegos mniejszego badz wiekszego problemu. Anglicy uzywaja go dosc czesto wiec na pewno warto zapamietac.

2. She's got her knickers in a twist.
When your knickers are in a twist, you are angry and snappish over something trivial. 'Whenever he loses his car keys, he gets his knickers in a twist.'

Wyrazenie to uzywamy gdy ktos troche przesadza i puszczaja mu nerwy z powodu blahostek.

Your answer would be: Chill out / relax / stop freaking out about this!!!

3.  It's not rocket science.

"Coaching football is not rocket science and it's not brain surgery. It's a game, nothing more."

                                                      The Daily Intelligencer, December 1985

Tego wyrazenia Anglicy uzywaja dosc czesto, szczegolnie gdy sa poirytowani czyims brakiem wiedzy / kompetencji / pomyslunku, gdy ktos zle cos zrobi.

4. I've got it on the tip of the tongue.

Mam to na koncu jezyka!!! Mysle ze wiecej tlumaczyc nie trzeba :)


I've forgotten her name. Ohh no. I've got it on the tip of my tongue.

Her name is on the tip of my tongue.

A: What’s the name of the capital city of Canada?
B: ….
A: What?
B: I know, but I can’t remember.
A: Please, it’s important.
B: It’s on the tip of my tongue!
A: Okay.
B: Got it! Ottawa

5. Off the top of my head ....

Z pamieci ...  O ile pamietam ...

Tego wyrazenia uzywamy gdy ktos nas prosi o szybka odpowiedz a nie mamy pod reka informacji, danych itp.

I couldn't tell you off the top of my head, but I could go and look it up.

I can't recall what exactly he said off the top of my head, but it was not important.

Tyle na dzisiaj. Nastepnym razem postaram bardziej sie wsluchac w to co mowia moi anglojezyczni znajomi i podac wiecej przykladow najbardziej popularnych i czesto uzywanych idiomow ....

Thanks for reading

Have a nice weekend everyone :)))

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