Sunday 3 March 2013

It does my head in.

Jutro poniedzialek i nie moge przestac myslec ze znowu musze isc do pracy. A w pracy znajomi czesto uzywaja tego idiomu dlatego mysle ze warto o nim wspomniec.

It does my head in.

to make somebody feel confused and unhappy, to annoy, to frustrate

I've been trying to make sense of all these sales figures and it's doing my head in.

This song is doing my head in.

Christmas shopping does my head in.

You're doing my head in (You're pissing my off).

Maths does my head in or Maths did my head in when I was in high school.

Does it make any sense to you?

Najprosciej mozna to wytlumaczyc ze cos was irytuje denerwuje i nie dajecie sobie z tym rady (a na pewno nie z latwoscia). Ja uzywam tego idiomu na co dzien kiedy wspolpracuje z "trudnymi" ludzmi (troublemakers) czy rozwiazujac trudne zadania (issues).

Learning english does my head in as it is like never ending story!!!!

What does your head in? Does your job do your head in? Mine does :)))

Not only that, haters do my head in!!!

Thanks for reading. Hope you have a nice evening :)

Bye Bye

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