Sunday 22 February 2015

How do you propose we deal with this issue?

Do you know how you can resolve problems at work?

Work can be stressful, especially if you work in a foreign country with people who's first language is English. I can't evaluate how many problems at work I have every day due to many reasons. But I don't want to moan about life, I want to concentrate on how to resolve problems.

How can we resolve this issue?

Any ideas how we can correct / fix this problem?

What concerns me is ...

What bothers me is ...

The thing that annoys me is ...

What I would really like to know is ...

What we must be clear about is ... (example: who is responsible for what?)

What happened is ...

It is absolutely vital that we inform everyone in the office about ... (example: new program that can help them analyse sales figures quicker). 

And some example of handling issues at work:

- Mary said that not all team members attend team meetings and without regular updates, it is difficult to work out what stage the project has reached.

- We need to find out why they don't attend our weekly team meetings, any thoughts on this? Shall we schedule 1 to 1 meeting with everyone in our team?

- I think this is a brilliant idea, I will send invitations after our meeting.

- Yes, it is absolutely essential that all team members attend the meetings, I am guessing I have your approval on this?

- Yes, absolutely, let's schedule a follow up meeting once you have spoken to everyone in our team.

Brilliant, see you soon!

I believe that communication is a key and I am going to work hard on improving on it!

And remember always bring your note and a pan to a meeting! LOL

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