Sunday 19 May 2013

How to know what you really want to do in your life???

1. Be conscious of your own needs:

Assign at least 10 minutes daily to just about what you really want to do in life. Make notes if you want. Jot down actions and events throughout the day that make you feel really joyous.

Assign -(tu) przeznacz
make notes - rob notatki, notuj
jot down - zanotowac, zapisac
make you feel - sprawia ze czujesz sie
joyous <dzojes> - radosny, uradowany

2. Stop feeling guilty about thinking of yourself:

Trying to be happy, trying to think about your own things, doesn't make you selfish.

3. Let people around you know what you are trying to achieve

They will actively get involved and will also come up with new and innovative suggestions.

come up with - wymyslic ... glownie odnosi sie do nowych pomyslow, innowacji, idei

4 Provide yourself positive stimulus

Your state of mind controls your destiny. The bad thing and the good one is your mind gives you what you give it. We can control our thinking. Read books on the lifes of people who pursued their own goals and succeeded, watch related movies, join forums and follow blogs. Constantly provide your brain the right stimulus in order to make sure you don't revert to your previous state of being.

state of mind - stan umyslu
thinking - myslenie
pursue - gonic, podazac, isc obranym sladem, dazyc do celu
stimulus <stimjules> bodziec, zachete, impuls
revert - wracac do poprzedniego stanu, celu, drogi
state of being - stan bycia

Thanks for reading

Hope you like this text it's so positive

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