Sunday 19 May 2013

A task a day keeps the clutter away!!! Goodbye clutter!

No more putting things off / no more postponing!!!

put off / postpone - odkladac na pozniej

to play catch-up - nadrabiac zaleglosci

Learn from others mistakes. You don't have to learn things the hard way: there are plenty of people out there who have experienced the trials and errors for you.

Maximize every resource, as well as every minute of the day: fitting in everything from fashion to family to finances to fitness.

fit in - wpasowywac

Take a minimalistic approach to such things as decor, fashion, entertainment and travel - it's greener and cheaper too.

minimalistic approach - minimalistyczne podejscie

greener - ekologiczne

Be proactive not reactive in life. Keep up with technology (keep up - badz na biezaco)

Carry a sense of urgency in your day.

Avoid vampires, freinds, family or other individuals who are jealous, seek to harm you, or are just plain negative should be avoided.

Embrace "the sunshine committee" freinds, family or other individuals who are positive and full of sunshine

embrace - objac

Run your life like a business, your life is a corporation and you are the CEO. - prowadz swoje zycie jak biznes, twoje zycie jest jak korporacja a ty jestes jej zarzadca.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice week. Loads of kisses and hugs.

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