Hello everyone :)
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Have you set your personal goals - lifetime goals, five-year plan or smaller goals, education goals? You may say - I don't have time to get everything done!! Really? is that true? Who do you think you lie to? You lie to yourself not to me or your friends we all have the same amount of time and it is up to you and me how we want to spend it!!!
Prioritise your tasks carefully!!! that's my advise :)
Before you can create any type of plan for spending your time, you first need to write down your goals:
be fit
speak fluent English :)
Then you need to set up smaller goals that you can focus on. Create one-year plan, one-month plan, one-week plan that you should reach to achieve your lifetime goals. Each of these should be based on the previous plan.
Then create a to-do list (my favourite set of words in English : to-do list sounds awesome) of things that you should do today to work towards your lifetime goals.
Take some time brainstorming these things this will help you to manage your schedule.
Keep the process going by reviewing your to-do list on a daily basis
Remember to set realistic goals - It's important to set goals you can achieve.
Celebrate when you achieve your goal - small or big one doesn't matter it matters you managed to achieve it.
Stay positive and push yourself to the limit.
I won't give up, I know the day when my english is perfect will come ... sooner or later but I won't give up!!!
Have a nice evening guys
Enjoy the weekend.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Stress is my friend - It matters how you think about stress!!!!
Hello everyone
I have just read an article about stress - "Repeat after me: Stress is my friend"
It's very interesting and gives you loads of ideas how to turn stress into your friend.
It is important how you think about stress.
A belief about stress can make so much difference to your life
Enjoy watching
I have just read an article about stress - "Repeat after me: Stress is my friend"
It's very interesting and gives you loads of ideas how to turn stress into your friend.
It is important how you think about stress.
A belief about stress can make so much difference to your life
Enjoy watching
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Out of Milk
Hello everyone
Hope you had a nice weekend ;)
I am running out of - oznacza ze czegos jest coraz mniej i wkrotce sie skonczy np:
I am running out of milk.
I am running out of time so let's get cracking.
I am running out of words to say to you. I am wasting my time.
Jesli czegos co potrzebujemy nie ma juz wcale wtedy uzywamy wyrazenia "I am out of"
I am out of milk. Can I borrow some from you?
I am out of the office - nie ma mnie w pracy.
I am out of love - nikt mnie nie kocha ;(
You are out of my league - jestes poza moja liga (jestem lepszy/gorszy od ciebie, ale raczej mowiac to wyrazenie myslmy jestem lepszy).
Mozna rowniez uzyc:
I am running short of ... znaczy to samo co I am running out of...
I don't have any ...
Jak powiedziec mam goraczke???
I have got a fever / temperature
I am running a fever ;)
Have a nice day and see you next time.
Hope you had a nice weekend ;)
I am running out of - oznacza ze czegos jest coraz mniej i wkrotce sie skonczy np:
I am running out of milk.
I am running out of time so let's get cracking.
I am running out of words to say to you. I am wasting my time.
Jesli czegos co potrzebujemy nie ma juz wcale wtedy uzywamy wyrazenia "I am out of"
I am out of milk. Can I borrow some from you?
I am out of the office - nie ma mnie w pracy.
I am out of love - nikt mnie nie kocha ;(
You are out of my league - jestes poza moja liga (jestem lepszy/gorszy od ciebie, ale raczej mowiac to wyrazenie myslmy jestem lepszy).
Mozna rowniez uzyc:
I am running short of ... znaczy to samo co I am running out of...
I don't have any ...
Jak powiedziec mam goraczke???
I have got a fever / temperature
I am running a fever ;)
Have a nice day and see you next time.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Incorrect bill / receipt / invoice
Hi all
It might happen that you will be charged incorrectly by waiter at a restaurant, or seller for item you ordered or at a till in a supermarket.
Below are expressions you can use when you are incorrectly charged:
Excuse me, I have been charged for two drink whilst I have ordered only one.
Excuse me, I have been charged 3 pounds for the sunrise drink, however according to your price list it should have been 2 pounds.
Excuse me, you have charged me for the item that I haven't ordered, it's pasta with mushrooms, I haven't ordered this, I have ordered pizza with mushrooms. Could you please amend the bill?
Excuse me, I have been incorrectly charged as the bill includes coca cola which I ordered but not recieved. Could you please amend this bill?
Not sure what else could happen ... any ideas?
Kisses and hugs
Have a lovely weekend
It might happen that you will be charged incorrectly by waiter at a restaurant, or seller for item you ordered or at a till in a supermarket.
Below are expressions you can use when you are incorrectly charged:
Excuse me, I have been charged for two drink whilst I have ordered only one.
Excuse me, I have been charged 3 pounds for the sunrise drink, however according to your price list it should have been 2 pounds.
Excuse me, you have charged me for the item that I haven't ordered, it's pasta with mushrooms, I haven't ordered this, I have ordered pizza with mushrooms. Could you please amend the bill?
Excuse me, I have been incorrectly charged as the bill includes coca cola which I ordered but not recieved. Could you please amend this bill?
Not sure what else could happen ... any ideas?
Kisses and hugs
Have a lovely weekend
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Pay Rise on the agenda
I did it!!! I did it!!!
I asked my manager for a pay rise. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either so there is still a chance to get it. I also asked him when I could pick this up with him again as it is very important for me to get a pay rise. He said in a month time. The reson for that is that our team is in the middle of some restructures and changes that needs to be done. And also, he is in discusion with head of department regarding our team role in company groth and success ... I know this is true as I have already spoken to him about this.
Changing the subject - I had bought a uv lamp for drying nail varnish and one girl from reception asked my if I could let her know if it's good or not as she bought one for £80 pound and it wasn't good.
W jaki sposob opisac problemy z komputerem?
I can only assume - moge sie tylko domyslac ze ...
My computer is playing up - moj komputer nie pracuje tak jak powinien (cos musialo sie zepsuc)
My computer is running very slowly - pracuje bardzo wolno
Reboot your computer - restart
My computer is unresponsive and is too slow to load anything - nie odpowiada, zbyt wolny by cokolwiek zaladowac.
My computer has frozen up and it won't let me opening anything. - zawiesil sie i nie pozwala nic otwierac
takes a long time to start up - zabiera mu duzo czasu zeby sie wlaczyc.
beep - wydawac odglosy
What do you think could be wrong?
Could you please look into this and fix it?
It could be overheated - przegrzany
It could be a processor going bad - procesor mogl sie zepsuc
It could be a virus - moze to byc wirus.
Having said that - uzywamy gdy wyrazilismy swoja opinie / stwierdzilismy jakis fakt i co w zwiazku z tym nastepuje. Housing is expensive in UK. Having said that I need to ask for a pay rise.
I asked my manager for a pay rise. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either so there is still a chance to get it. I also asked him when I could pick this up with him again as it is very important for me to get a pay rise. He said in a month time. The reson for that is that our team is in the middle of some restructures and changes that needs to be done. And also, he is in discusion with head of department regarding our team role in company groth and success ... I know this is true as I have already spoken to him about this.
Changing the subject - I had bought a uv lamp for drying nail varnish and one girl from reception asked my if I could let her know if it's good or not as she bought one for £80 pound and it wasn't good.
W jaki sposob opisac problemy z komputerem?
I can only assume - moge sie tylko domyslac ze ...
My computer is playing up - moj komputer nie pracuje tak jak powinien (cos musialo sie zepsuc)
My computer is running very slowly - pracuje bardzo wolno
Reboot your computer - restart
My computer is unresponsive and is too slow to load anything - nie odpowiada, zbyt wolny by cokolwiek zaladowac.
My computer has frozen up and it won't let me opening anything. - zawiesil sie i nie pozwala nic otwierac
takes a long time to start up - zabiera mu duzo czasu zeby sie wlaczyc.
beep - wydawac odglosy
What do you think could be wrong?
Could you please look into this and fix it?
It could be overheated - przegrzany
It could be a processor going bad - procesor mogl sie zepsuc
It could be a virus - moze to byc wirus.
Having said that - uzywamy gdy wyrazilismy swoja opinie / stwierdzilismy jakis fakt i co w zwiazku z tym nastepuje. Housing is expensive in UK. Having said that I need to ask for a pay rise.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Shambles - one heck of a mess
When the job market is in a shambles, people have trouble finding work. When a supermarket in a shambles, there might be melons and milk spilled all over the floor. If everyone in a classroom is talking and yelling at once, the class is a shambles, because no one can hear each other or get any work done. People say things are "in shambles" or "a shambles" — they mean the same thing. However you say it, a shambles is chaotic, disorderly, out of hand, and off the hook — a major, five-alarm mess.
What a shambles!!!
This expression is used very often when you want to complain or express your opinion about bad servise you were offered in the restaurant or in a shop / market / office.
What a shambles!!!
This expression is used very often when you want to complain or express your opinion about bad servise you were offered in the restaurant or in a shop / market / office.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
How to ask for a Pay Raise
Nice subject ... isn't it?
I am on fire ... I am so into getting a pay raise that I decided to spend few hours preparing for a informal meeting with my manager
I have already checked the average salary for the job that I do ... and I am below the average :) so hopefully there is a room for negotiation.
Basically how should I start : hmmm "Listen Boss give me a pay raise I deserve it!!!" I wish it could be that easy ...
How to ask for a pay raise?
First of all ...Did you know that man are 4 times more likely to ask for a raise? How come?
Push back and ask for things you want!!!
If you don't ask for a pay raise you will never get one - and yes, you deserve it :)
The factors influencing a pay raise are: (czynniki wplywajace na podwyzke)
1. Your performance - you are a great employee, you have a lot of responsibilities which you perform amazingly well, you are also hard to replace as training a new employee will take a few weeks :)
note down your achievements :)
2. The Economy - not so bad recently
3. Your employer financial performance - my company is doing great :)
4. What you department has contributed to the organisation's coffers (skrzynki kuferki z pieniedzmi) - my department has a huge contribution to the coffers ... I just don't know how to explain it to my manager.
What I am going to do?
I am going to prepare a list of all my achievements and how my job has changed in 3 years ... I have definitely more responsibilities and more things to do which take more time ... my job is more expensive basically :)
I am going to ask for 10% to 15% rise :)
Wish me luck
I am on fire ... I am so into getting a pay raise that I decided to spend few hours preparing for a informal meeting with my manager
I have already checked the average salary for the job that I do ... and I am below the average :) so hopefully there is a room for negotiation.
Basically how should I start : hmmm "Listen Boss give me a pay raise I deserve it!!!" I wish it could be that easy ...
How to ask for a pay raise?
First of all ...Did you know that man are 4 times more likely to ask for a raise? How come?
Push back and ask for things you want!!!
If you don't ask for a pay raise you will never get one - and yes, you deserve it :)
The factors influencing a pay raise are: (czynniki wplywajace na podwyzke)
1. Your performance - you are a great employee, you have a lot of responsibilities which you perform amazingly well, you are also hard to replace as training a new employee will take a few weeks :)
note down your achievements :)
2. The Economy - not so bad recently
3. Your employer financial performance - my company is doing great :)
4. What you department has contributed to the organisation's coffers (skrzynki kuferki z pieniedzmi) - my department has a huge contribution to the coffers ... I just don't know how to explain it to my manager.
What I am going to do?
I am going to prepare a list of all my achievements and how my job has changed in 3 years ... I have definitely more responsibilities and more things to do which take more time ... my job is more expensive basically :)
I am going to ask for 10% to 15% rise :)
Wish me luck
As usual we had a quick conversation with my workmates this morning. First thing Mike told us today was today is National Orgasm Day ... he is not going to celebrate :) hee hee hee what a pity :) who cares anyway
The weather is miserable and horribly wet
Looks like tomorrow is going to be much better and I look forward to that :)
I had also a short chat in the office kitchen with few of my colleagues regarding pregnancy and I feel overwhelmed by this subject. Most of my female workmates have kids so they love to chat about them ... and about pregnancy :( not my cup of tea. I have never been pregnent so have no experience and no idea how it is to be pregnant so have actually nothing to say.
Things you can ask pregnant woman are as follows:
How are you? - classic one :)
When are you due? - kiedy bedziesz rodzic?
When is your baby due? - jak powyzej
You look great - wiadomo kazda kobieta lubi to uslyszec :)
Your bump is so big :) wiele kobiet tak mowi wiec pewnie to cos pozytywnego
Is it a boy or a girl?
Do you have a name yet?
W zasadzie mozna zapytac o wszystko, az po kolor scian w pokoiku dla dziecka :)
I hope I won't have to talk about pregnancy again today ... it's annoying but most of ladies in my offiice is pregnant :(
Have a nice day guys
PS. Have you ever tride Dolce Gusto coffee? I just bought capsules ans I am going to give it a go after lunch :)
The weather is miserable and horribly wet
Looks like tomorrow is going to be much better and I look forward to that :)
I had also a short chat in the office kitchen with few of my colleagues regarding pregnancy and I feel overwhelmed by this subject. Most of my female workmates have kids so they love to chat about them ... and about pregnancy :( not my cup of tea. I have never been pregnent so have no experience and no idea how it is to be pregnant so have actually nothing to say.
Things you can ask pregnant woman are as follows:
How are you? - classic one :)
When are you due? - kiedy bedziesz rodzic?
When is your baby due? - jak powyzej
You look great - wiadomo kazda kobieta lubi to uslyszec :)
Your bump is so big :) wiele kobiet tak mowi wiec pewnie to cos pozytywnego
Is it a boy or a girl?
Do you have a name yet?
W zasadzie mozna zapytac o wszystko, az po kolor scian w pokoiku dla dziecka :)
I hope I won't have to talk about pregnancy again today ... it's annoying but most of ladies in my offiice is pregnant :(
Have a nice day guys
PS. Have you ever tride Dolce Gusto coffee? I just bought capsules ans I am going to give it a go after lunch :)
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Tuesday isn’t so bad…It’s a sign that I’ve somehow survived Monday.
Hello everyone.
I think I have never said anything about me, where I live, what I do, how I learn english, anything about people I deal with, work with, spend time with ... perhaps I am not a big sharer however I would like to say something about my workmates and how I learn english from them.
My workmates are very chatty and they spend most of their time at having conversations with litterally everybody ... so I am lucky I can learn a lot from them.
It wasn't always easy as their acents is very unclear and they speak extremly fast. At the beggining I was devastated because I couldn't understand a word, then I could barely understand and now I am at the stage of understanding most of what they say however I still have issues.
Mike and Lee are the nicest english people I have ever come across :) I like them and I like to listen to them. They are friends and they seem to be made for each other, they understand themselves perfectly and they always have something to say ... interesting stuff not boring gossips about other empoyees ... basically I like spending time with them.
Mike has come back from holiday and I asked him how it was and what was the weather like ... He went by the sea and spent 4 days over there and had lovely time with his wife (she can't cook and he always complains about that) and their 6 year-old son Cam :) The weather was lovely and they had amazing time ... this is what he told me today. Now he's very busy working and catching up on emails.
Lee is also very busy ... so they don't talk much today ... the weather has gone bad, it's raining and it's cold so everybody at work is complaining about that ... me too
I hate when it rains :(
Lee taught me new expresion today : keep me in the look ... which means keep me informed/posted/ up to date.
I've decided that I will keep asking him about english expressions and words ... he is like a treasure that I 've found that can help me to learn English
I will keep you in the loop
Thanks for reading
I think I have never said anything about me, where I live, what I do, how I learn english, anything about people I deal with, work with, spend time with ... perhaps I am not a big sharer however I would like to say something about my workmates and how I learn english from them.
My workmates are very chatty and they spend most of their time at having conversations with litterally everybody ... so I am lucky I can learn a lot from them.
It wasn't always easy as their acents is very unclear and they speak extremly fast. At the beggining I was devastated because I couldn't understand a word, then I could barely understand and now I am at the stage of understanding most of what they say however I still have issues.
Mike and Lee are the nicest english people I have ever come across :) I like them and I like to listen to them. They are friends and they seem to be made for each other, they understand themselves perfectly and they always have something to say ... interesting stuff not boring gossips about other empoyees ... basically I like spending time with them.
Mike has come back from holiday and I asked him how it was and what was the weather like ... He went by the sea and spent 4 days over there and had lovely time with his wife (she can't cook and he always complains about that) and their 6 year-old son Cam :) The weather was lovely and they had amazing time ... this is what he told me today. Now he's very busy working and catching up on emails.
Lee is also very busy ... so they don't talk much today ... the weather has gone bad, it's raining and it's cold so everybody at work is complaining about that ... me too
I hate when it rains :(
Lee taught me new expresion today : keep me in the look ... which means keep me informed/posted/ up to date.
I've decided that I will keep asking him about english expressions and words ... he is like a treasure that I 've found that can help me to learn English
I will keep you in the loop
Thanks for reading
Sunday, 19 May 2013
How to know what you really want to do in your life???
1. Be conscious of your own needs:
Assign at least 10 minutes daily to just about what you really want to do in life. Make notes if you want. Jot down actions and events throughout the day that make you feel really joyous.
Assign -(tu) przeznacz
make notes - rob notatki, notuj
jot down - zanotowac, zapisac
make you feel - sprawia ze czujesz sie
joyous <dzojes> - radosny, uradowany
2. Stop feeling guilty about thinking of yourself:
Trying to be happy, trying to think about your own things, doesn't make you selfish.
3. Let people around you know what you are trying to achieve
They will actively get involved and will also come up with new and innovative suggestions.
come up with - wymyslic ... glownie odnosi sie do nowych pomyslow, innowacji, idei
4 Provide yourself positive stimulus
Your state of mind controls your destiny. The bad thing and the good one is your mind gives you what you give it. We can control our thinking. Read books on the lifes of people who pursued their own goals and succeeded, watch related movies, join forums and follow blogs. Constantly provide your brain the right stimulus in order to make sure you don't revert to your previous state of being.
state of mind - stan umyslu
thinking - myslenie
pursue - gonic, podazac, isc obranym sladem, dazyc do celu
stimulus <stimjules> bodziec, zachete, impuls
revert - wracac do poprzedniego stanu, celu, drogi
state of being - stan bycia
Thanks for reading
Hope you like this text it's so positive
A task a day keeps the clutter away!!! Goodbye clutter!
No more putting things off / no more postponing!!!
put off / postpone - odkladac na pozniej
to play catch-up - nadrabiac zaleglosci
Learn from others mistakes. You don't have to learn things the hard way: there are plenty of people out there who have experienced the trials and errors for you.
Maximize every resource, as well as every minute of the day: fitting in everything from fashion to family to finances to fitness.
fit in - wpasowywac
Take a minimalistic approach to such things as decor, fashion, entertainment and travel - it's greener and cheaper too.
minimalistic approach - minimalistyczne podejscie
greener - ekologiczne
Be proactive not reactive in life. Keep up with technology (keep up - badz na biezaco)
Carry a sense of urgency in your day.
Avoid vampires, freinds, family or other individuals who are jealous, seek to harm you, or are just plain negative should be avoided.
Embrace "the sunshine committee" freinds, family or other individuals who are positive and full of sunshine
embrace - objac
Run your life like a business, your life is a corporation and you are the CEO. - prowadz swoje zycie jak biznes, twoje zycie jest jak korporacja a ty jestes jej zarzadca.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice week. Loads of kisses and hugs.
put off / postpone - odkladac na pozniej
to play catch-up - nadrabiac zaleglosci
Learn from others mistakes. You don't have to learn things the hard way: there are plenty of people out there who have experienced the trials and errors for you.
Maximize every resource, as well as every minute of the day: fitting in everything from fashion to family to finances to fitness.
fit in - wpasowywac
Take a minimalistic approach to such things as decor, fashion, entertainment and travel - it's greener and cheaper too.
minimalistic approach - minimalistyczne podejscie
greener - ekologiczne
Be proactive not reactive in life. Keep up with technology (keep up - badz na biezaco)
Carry a sense of urgency in your day.
Avoid vampires, freinds, family or other individuals who are jealous, seek to harm you, or are just plain negative should be avoided.
Embrace "the sunshine committee" freinds, family or other individuals who are positive and full of sunshine
embrace - objac
Run your life like a business, your life is a corporation and you are the CEO. - prowadz swoje zycie jak biznes, twoje zycie jest jak korporacja a ty jestes jej zarzadca.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice week. Loads of kisses and hugs.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Let's get this done!!!
Let's get organized!!!
I believe that the key to success is organisation. Earlier in my carrier I felt that organisation would kill my creativity. Whereas now I feel the opposite!!! Discipline is the concrete that allows you to be creative!!!!
Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos?
Let's get to work!!!
Let's get this done!!!
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein
Let's get cracking
Let's get rolling
Ready to roll? - ready to start doing sth
I believe that the key to success is organisation. Earlier in my carrier I felt that organisation would kill my creativity. Whereas now I feel the opposite!!! Discipline is the concrete that allows you to be creative!!!!
Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos?
Let's get to work!!!
Let's get this done!!!
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein
Let's get cracking
Let's get rolling
Ready to roll? - ready to start doing sth
Thursday, 9 May 2013
SWOMPT - Subject - Verb - Object - Manner - Place - Time
Hello everyone :)))
After long break I am back on track and ready to learn English even harder then before!!!
SWOMPT - odnosi sie do miejsca okolicznikow w zdaniu w jezyku angielskim :)
Subject czyli podmiot wystepuje w wiekszosci przypadkow na poczatku zdania, albo mysli
Verb czyli orzeczenie (czasownik) wystepuje po podmiocie i do niego sie odnosi, w jezyku polskim jest to troche bardziej skomplikowane bo mamy koncowki fleksyjne, w jezyku angielskim trzeba byc straight forward
Object - dopelnienie lub przydawka
Manner - okolicznik sposobu ktory odpowiada na pytania jak? w jaki sposob? np: wolno, szybko, z latwoscia, bez wiekszych problemow itp
Place - okolicznik miejsca np: obok mojego domu, w Warszawie, w gorach, na boisku
Time - okolicznik czasu np: dzisiaj, za rok, teraz, w 1985, w maju itp
Przykladowe zdanie w poprawnej formie:
Andy played football next to his house yesterday.
Warto o tej zasadzie pamietac aby byc dobrze zrozumianym. Jezyk angielski bardzo rozni sie od naszego jezyka dlategotez nalezy uwazac na szyk zdania :) Na pewno jeszcze napisze na ten temat!!!
Have a lovely day guys :)))
After long break I am back on track and ready to learn English even harder then before!!!
SWOMPT - odnosi sie do miejsca okolicznikow w zdaniu w jezyku angielskim :)
Subject czyli podmiot wystepuje w wiekszosci przypadkow na poczatku zdania, albo mysli
Verb czyli orzeczenie (czasownik) wystepuje po podmiocie i do niego sie odnosi, w jezyku polskim jest to troche bardziej skomplikowane bo mamy koncowki fleksyjne, w jezyku angielskim trzeba byc straight forward
Object - dopelnienie lub przydawka
Manner - okolicznik sposobu ktory odpowiada na pytania jak? w jaki sposob? np: wolno, szybko, z latwoscia, bez wiekszych problemow itp
Place - okolicznik miejsca np: obok mojego domu, w Warszawie, w gorach, na boisku
Time - okolicznik czasu np: dzisiaj, za rok, teraz, w 1985, w maju itp
Przykladowe zdanie w poprawnej formie:
Andy played football next to his house yesterday.
Warto o tej zasadzie pamietac aby byc dobrze zrozumianym. Jezyk angielski bardzo rozni sie od naszego jezyka dlategotez nalezy uwazac na szyk zdania :) Na pewno jeszcze napisze na ten temat!!!
Have a lovely day guys :)))
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Apologies for not posting
Przepraszam ze dlugo nic nie pisalam, niestety z powodow osobistych nie mialam czasu na dodawanie kolejnych postow.
Jednak jestem spowrotem i mam juz nowy temat w glowie wiec niedlugo pojawi sie cos nowego :)
Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie
Kind regards
Przepraszam ze dlugo nic nie pisalam, niestety z powodow osobistych nie mialam czasu na dodawanie kolejnych postow.
Jednak jestem spowrotem i mam juz nowy temat w glowie wiec niedlugo pojawi sie cos nowego :)
Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie
Kind regards
Monday, 25 March 2013
Why not give it a go?
Hello everybody !!!
Hope you had a good weekend!
What were you up to?
Let's focus on vocabulary today, below are a few examples:
GIVE IT A GO - sprobowac cos zrobic
Why not give it a go? You may find it easier then you thought.
GIVE IT A SHOT - same as above just different words used
I don't think it will work but I suppose you could give it a shot.
GIVE IT A TRY - guess what it means the same too
I have never tried bungee jumping and I want to give it a whirl.
And at the end :
A: I don't think I can do this / I am not able to apply for this job.
B: Don't be silly and go for it!!!
Thanks for reading
I am going to give something new a go in my next post :) ...
Hope you had a good weekend!
What were you up to?
Let's focus on vocabulary today, below are a few examples:
GIVE IT A GO - sprobowac cos zrobic
Why not give it a go? You may find it easier then you thought.
GIVE IT A SHOT - same as above just different words used
I don't think it will work but I suppose you could give it a shot.
GIVE IT A TRY - guess what it means the same too
I have never tried bungee jumping and I want to give it a whirl.
And at the end :
A: I don't think I can do this / I am not able to apply for this job.
B: Don't be silly and go for it!!!
Thanks for reading
I am going to give something new a go in my next post :) ...
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Snow snow ... go away!!!
What's wrong with the weather? Could it be worst?
Snow has brought chaos to UK :
- has disrupted transport and power supplies
- a number of roads and airports have been closed
- motorists were trapped in their cars
- hundred of schools have been closed
Have you been affected by wintry weather condition?
UGH ... I am so fed up with winter!!! I thought spring was on its way ... until I saw snow today :(((
Friday, 22 March 2013
Work related jokes
Little collection of funny work related jokes.
PS. I enjoy working. Work is what separated us from animals and brings the little extra discipline everyone needs ... and money too.
to fire somebody - wylac kogos z pracy
our computers are down - nasze komputery nie dzialaja
jesli dzialaja to powiemy:
our computers are up and running
I love this one cause it relates to me. I can't live without coffee.
Coffee machine - maszyna do kawy
STH is broken - nie dziala
jesli cos nie dziala tak jak powinno mozna powiedziec:
This coffee machine is playing up.
call a meeting - zwolac spotkanie (w tym przypadku pracownikow, oficjalne)
draw flowcharts - ryskowac schematy
feel important - czuc sie waznym
form subcommittees - tworzyc podgrupy
Make meaningless recommendations - rekomendowac cos zupelnie nieistotnego
all on company time - wszystko w ramach czasu pracy
Enjoy Friday everyone
Have a nice weekend
PS. I enjoy working. Work is what separated us from animals and brings the little extra discipline everyone needs ... and money too.
to fire somebody - wylac kogos z pracy
our computers are down - nasze komputery nie dzialaja
jesli dzialaja to powiemy:
our computers are up and running
I love this one cause it relates to me. I can't live without coffee.
Coffee machine - maszyna do kawy
STH is broken - nie dziala
jesli cos nie dziala tak jak powinno mozna powiedziec:
This coffee machine is playing up.
call a meeting - zwolac spotkanie (w tym przypadku pracownikow, oficjalne)
draw flowcharts - ryskowac schematy
feel important - czuc sie waznym
form subcommittees - tworzyc podgrupy
Make meaningless recommendations - rekomendowac cos zupelnie nieistotnego
all on company time - wszystko w ramach czasu pracy
Enjoy Friday everyone
Have a nice weekend
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Practice makes perfect
Jest wiele metod nauki angielskiego a ta ktora dzis przedstawie jest jedna z najbardziej przyjemnych :) ... i nie tylko ... uczy tez poprawnej wymowy i latwiej pozostaje w pamieci :) ... Spiewanie !!!
Oczywiscie sekret tkwi w ciaglym powtarzaniu nie wystarczy zaspiewac jej raz czy dwa zeby cokolwiek zapamietac ... to tak jak ze wszystkim co wymaga od nas pewnej wprawy ... chociazby jak szybkie pisanie na klawiaturze - trzeba troche potrenowac zeby zostac mistrzem
Nauka poprzez spiewanie :))) najlepiej wybrac te z tekstem oczywiscie w jezyku angielskim i lets get start it!!!
Days like this I want to drive away - W DNI TAKIE JAK TEN CHCE STAD ODJECHAC
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade- SPAKOWAC WALIZKI I PATRZEC JAK TWOJ CIEN ZNIKA
You chewed me up and spit me out - WYZULES MNIE A POZNIEJ WYPLULES
Like I was poison in your mouth - JAK BYM BYLA TRUCIZNA W TWOICH USTACH
You took my light, you drained me down - ZABRALES MOJE SWIATLO I WYSSALES ZE MNIE ENERGIE
But that was then and this is now - ALE TO BYLO WTEDY A TERAZ JEST TERAZ
Now look at me - WIEC SPOJRZ NA MNIE
This is the part of me - TO JEST CZESC MNIE
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no KTOREJ NIGDY MI NIE ZABIERZESZ
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows- RZUCAJ SOBIE SWOJE PATYKI I KOMIENIE, RZUCAJ BOMBY I CIOSY
But you’re not gonna break my soul - NIGDY NIE ZLAMIESZ MNIE
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
I just wanna throw my phone away - CHCE PO PROSTU WYRZUCIC MOJ TELEFON
Find out who is really there for me - DOWIEDZIEC SIE KTO WLASCIWIE JEST DLA MNIE
You ripped me off, your love was cheap - SCIEMNIALES A TWOJA MILOSC BYLA NIC NIE WARTA
Was always tearing at the seams - ZAWSZE DARLA SIE NA SZWACH
I fell deep, you let me down - UPADLES GLEGOKO I ZAWIODLES MNIE
But that was then and this is now - ALE TO BYLO WTEDY A TERAZ JEST TERAZ
Now look at me
Now look at me I’m sparkling - TERAZ SPOJRZ NA MNIE CALA LSNIE
A firework, a dancing flame - FAJERWERK, TANCZACY OGIEN
You won't ever put me out again - NIGDY NIE BEDZIESZ MI SPRAWIAL KLOPOTOW
I’m glowin’, oh whoa - PROMIENIEJE
It don't mean nothing anyway - NIC DLA MNIE NIE ZNACZY
In fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah W ZASADZIE MOZESZ ZATRZYMAC WSZYSTKO
Except for me - TYLKO NIE MNIE
[Chorus]This is the part of me, no
Away from me, no
This is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me..., no
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you’re not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
A teraz czas sie wziasc do pracy i spiewac, na prawde nic nie cwiczy wymowy i nie utrwala nowych slowek tak jak spiewaie ulubionych piosenek ... oczywisce wszystko zalezy od tego jakiego akcentu chcecie sie uczyc ja wybralam amerykanski bo niestety angielski jest wyjatkowo trudny dla mnie a z amerykanskim nie mam zbyt wielkiego problemu ... haaa nawet znajomi Anglicy czesto pytaja czy kiedys bylam w USA bo bardzo "zaciagam" amerykanskim. Nie bylo to moim pierwotnym zamiarem ale samo wyszlo, w koncu ogladanie amerykanskich filmow i seriali wzielo gore ... swoja droga nie wiele jest programow i angielskich filmow w polskiej tv.
If you have any questions please let me know I am more then happy to help you
Enjoy learning English
Oczywiscie sekret tkwi w ciaglym powtarzaniu nie wystarczy zaspiewac jej raz czy dwa zeby cokolwiek zapamietac ... to tak jak ze wszystkim co wymaga od nas pewnej wprawy ... chociazby jak szybkie pisanie na klawiaturze - trzeba troche potrenowac zeby zostac mistrzem
Nauka poprzez spiewanie :))) najlepiej wybrac te z tekstem oczywiscie w jezyku angielskim i lets get start it!!!
Days like this I want to drive away - W DNI TAKIE JAK TEN CHCE STAD ODJECHAC
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade- SPAKOWAC WALIZKI I PATRZEC JAK TWOJ CIEN ZNIKA
You chewed me up and spit me out - WYZULES MNIE A POZNIEJ WYPLULES
Like I was poison in your mouth - JAK BYM BYLA TRUCIZNA W TWOICH USTACH
You took my light, you drained me down - ZABRALES MOJE SWIATLO I WYSSALES ZE MNIE ENERGIE
But that was then and this is now - ALE TO BYLO WTEDY A TERAZ JEST TERAZ
Now look at me - WIEC SPOJRZ NA MNIE
This is the part of me - TO JEST CZESC MNIE
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no KTOREJ NIGDY MI NIE ZABIERZESZ
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows- RZUCAJ SOBIE SWOJE PATYKI I KOMIENIE, RZUCAJ BOMBY I CIOSY
But you’re not gonna break my soul - NIGDY NIE ZLAMIESZ MNIE
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
I just wanna throw my phone away - CHCE PO PROSTU WYRZUCIC MOJ TELEFON
Find out who is really there for me - DOWIEDZIEC SIE KTO WLASCIWIE JEST DLA MNIE
You ripped me off, your love was cheap - SCIEMNIALES A TWOJA MILOSC BYLA NIC NIE WARTA
Was always tearing at the seams - ZAWSZE DARLA SIE NA SZWACH
I fell deep, you let me down - UPADLES GLEGOKO I ZAWIODLES MNIE
But that was then and this is now - ALE TO BYLO WTEDY A TERAZ JEST TERAZ
Now look at me
Now look at me I’m sparkling - TERAZ SPOJRZ NA MNIE CALA LSNIE
A firework, a dancing flame - FAJERWERK, TANCZACY OGIEN
You won't ever put me out again - NIGDY NIE BEDZIESZ MI SPRAWIAL KLOPOTOW
I’m glowin’, oh whoa - PROMIENIEJE
It don't mean nothing anyway - NIC DLA MNIE NIE ZNACZY
In fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah W ZASADZIE MOZESZ ZATRZYMAC WSZYSTKO
Except for me - TYLKO NIE MNIE
[Chorus]This is the part of me, no
Away from me, no
This is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me..., no
Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows
But you’re not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me
That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no
A teraz czas sie wziasc do pracy i spiewac, na prawde nic nie cwiczy wymowy i nie utrwala nowych slowek tak jak spiewaie ulubionych piosenek ... oczywisce wszystko zalezy od tego jakiego akcentu chcecie sie uczyc ja wybralam amerykanski bo niestety angielski jest wyjatkowo trudny dla mnie a z amerykanskim nie mam zbyt wielkiego problemu ... haaa nawet znajomi Anglicy czesto pytaja czy kiedys bylam w USA bo bardzo "zaciagam" amerykanskim. Nie bylo to moim pierwotnym zamiarem ale samo wyszlo, w koncu ogladanie amerykanskich filmow i seriali wzielo gore ... swoja droga nie wiele jest programow i angielskich filmow w polskiej tv.
If you have any questions please let me know I am more then happy to help you
Enjoy learning English
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
4 days to go ... St Patrick's Day 17th March 2013
Saint Patrick is one of the patron Saints of Ireland and the day is traditionally celebrated with a feast. St Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland. St Patrick's Day is also celebrated all over the world, by people of both Irish and non-Irish descent.
St Patrick's Day Parade in London
Every year London hosts a St Patrick's Day Parade with marching bands, floats, street theater and more. All 32 Irish counties are represented, dressed in their traditional county colours. Other parade participants include members of London's Irish community and other Londoners.
The parade will set off from Piccadilly by Green Park at 12 noon and travel to Whitehall. Look out for The Puca, a giant inflatable dragon designed by leading artist Keith Payne, who has designed inflatables for the Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd.
St Patrick's Day Festival in Trafalgar Square and Beyond
The festival celebrates Ireland's culture, including a wide range of traditional and contemporary dancing; a comedy tent hosted by the London Irish Comedy Festival; a film tent showing film shorts by Irish filmmakers; and a food market with the chance to sample produce from the Emerald Isle.
St Patrick's Day is celebrated across the capital, with parties in many London pubs and bars. Expect green decor, traditional Irish drinks and lots of fun! You might also find a special menu or two at London's restaurants.
Monday, 11 March 2013
6 days to go.... Saint Patrick's Day March 17th 2013
Hello everyone !!!
Hope you had a nice weekend...
Zbliza sie dzien Sw. Patryka - patrona Irlandii, dzien ten jest bardzo hucznie obchodzony przez Irlandczykow na calym swiecie. Z tego powodu w najblizszych dniach chcialabym skoncentrowac wasza uwage na tym wlasnie wydarzeniu.
Dzis troche informacji na temat samej osoby sw. Patryka i dlaczego ten wlasnie swiety jest patronem Irlandii.
Hope you enjoy it:
Saint Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. St Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. Most of what is known about him comes from his two works; the Confessio, a spiritual autobiography, and his Epistola, a denunciation of British mistreatment of Irish Christians. Saint Patrick described himself as a "most humble-minded man, pouring forth a continuous paean of thanks to his Maker for having chosen him as the instrument whereby multitudes who had worshiped idols and unclean things had become the people of God.
Many folk ask the question 'Why is the Shamrock the National Flower of Ireland ?' The reason is that St. Patrick used it to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagans. Saint Patrick is believed to have been born in the late fourth century, and is often confused with Palladius, a bishop who was sent by Pope Celestine in 431 to be the first bishop to the Irish believers in Christ.
Saint Patrick is most known for driving the snakes from Ireland. It is true there are no snakes in Ireland, but there probably never have been - the island was separated from the rest of the continent at the end of the Ice Age. As in many old pagan religions, serpent symbols were common and often worshiped. Driving the snakes from Ireland was probably symbolic of putting an end to that pagan practice. While not the first to bring christianity to Ireland, it is Patrick who is said to have encountered the Druids at Tara and abolished their pagan rites. Thestory holds that he converted the warrior chiefs and princes, baptizing them and thousands of their subjects in the "Holy Wells" that still bear this name.
There are several accounts of Saint Patrick's death. One says that Patrick died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, on March 17, 460 A.D. His jawbone was preserved in a silver shrine and was often requested in times of childbirth, epileptic fits, and as a preservative against the "evil eye." Another account says that St. Patrick ended his days at Glastonbury, England and was buried there. The Chapel of St. Patrick still exists as part of Glastonbury Abbey. Today, many Catholic places of worship all around the world are named after St. Patrick, including cathedrals in New York and Dublin city
Why Saint Patrick's Day?
Saint Patrick's Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and luck. Most importantly, to those who celebrate its intended meaning, St. Patrick's Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide.
So, why is it celebrated on March 17th? One theory is that that is the day that St. Patrick died. Since the holiday began in Ireland, it is believed that as the Irish spread out around the world, they took with them their history and celebrations. The biggest observance of all is, of course, in Ireland. With the exception of restaurants and pubs, almost all businesses close on March 17th. Being a religious holiday as well, many Irish attend mass, where March 17th is the traditional day for offering prayers for missionaries worldwide before the serious celebrating begins.
In American cities with a large Irish population, St. Patrick's Day is a very big deal. Big cities and small towns alike celebrate with parades, "wearing of the green," music and songs, Irish food and drink, and activities for kids such as crafts, coloring and games. Some communities even go so far as to dye rivers or streams green!

Friday, 8 March 2013
Useful expressions
Here's this week's top 5 expressions I hear everyday from native English speakers:
1. You're a star. - Thanks for your help. You're a star.
2. She's got her knickers in a twist.
Tego wyrazenia Anglicy uzywaja dosc czesto, szczegolnie gdy sa poirytowani czyims brakiem wiedzy / kompetencji / pomyslunku, gdy ktos zle cos zrobi.
4. I've got it on the tip of the tongue.
Mam to na koncu jezyka!!! Mysle ze wiecej tlumaczyc nie trzeba :)
I've forgotten her name. Ohh no. I've got it on the tip of my tongue.
Her name is on the tip of my tongue.
A: What’s the name of the capital city of Canada?
B: ….
A: What?
B: I know, but I can’t remember.
A: Please, it’s important.
B: It’s on the tip of my tongue!
A: Okay.
B: Got it! Ottawa!
5. Off the top of my head ....
Z pamieci ... O ile pamietam ...
Tego wyrazenia uzywamy gdy ktos nas prosi o szybka odpowiedz a nie mamy pod reka informacji, danych itp.
I couldn't tell you off the top of my head, but I could go and look it up.
Tyle na dzisiaj. Nastepnym razem postaram bardziej sie wsluchac w to co mowia moi anglojezyczni znajomi i podac wiecej przykladow najbardziej popularnych i czesto uzywanych idiomow ....
Thanks for reading
Have a nice weekend everyone :)))
1. You're a star. - Thanks for your help. You're a star.
When someone helps me out I say 'you're a star!'
Tego wyrazenia uzywamy gdy ktos nam pomoze w rozwiazaniu jakiegos mniejszego badz wiekszego problemu. Anglicy uzywaja go dosc czesto wiec na pewno warto zapamietac.
2. She's got her knickers in a twist.
When your knickers are in a twist, you are angry and snappish over something trivial. 'Whenever he loses his car keys, he gets his knickers in a twist.'
Wyrazenie to uzywamy gdy ktos troche przesadza i puszczaja mu nerwy z powodu blahostek.
Your answer would be: Chill out / relax / stop freaking out about this!!!
3. It's not rocket science.
"Coaching football is not rocket science and it's not brain surgery. It's a game, nothing more."
The Daily Intelligencer, December 1985
Tego wyrazenia Anglicy uzywaja dosc czesto, szczegolnie gdy sa poirytowani czyims brakiem wiedzy / kompetencji / pomyslunku, gdy ktos zle cos zrobi.
4. I've got it on the tip of the tongue.
Mam to na koncu jezyka!!! Mysle ze wiecej tlumaczyc nie trzeba :)
I've forgotten her name. Ohh no. I've got it on the tip of my tongue.
Her name is on the tip of my tongue.
A: What’s the name of the capital city of Canada?
B: ….
A: What?
B: I know, but I can’t remember.
A: Please, it’s important.
B: It’s on the tip of my tongue!
A: Okay.
B: Got it! Ottawa!
5. Off the top of my head ....
Z pamieci ... O ile pamietam ...
Tego wyrazenia uzywamy gdy ktos nas prosi o szybka odpowiedz a nie mamy pod reka informacji, danych itp.
I couldn't tell you off the top of my head, but I could go and look it up.
I can't recall what exactly he said off the top of my head, but it was not important.
Tyle na dzisiaj. Nastepnym razem postaram bardziej sie wsluchac w to co mowia moi anglojezyczni znajomi i podac wiecej przykladow najbardziej popularnych i czesto uzywanych idiomow ....
Thanks for reading
Have a nice weekend everyone :)))
Sunday, 3 March 2013
It does my head in.
Jutro poniedzialek i nie moge przestac myslec ze znowu musze isc do pracy. A w pracy znajomi czesto uzywaja tego idiomu dlatego mysle ze warto o nim wspomniec.
It does my head in.
to make somebody feel confused and unhappy, to annoy, to frustrate
I've been trying to make sense of all these sales figures and it's doing my head in.
This song is doing my head in.
Christmas shopping does my head in.
You're doing my head in (You're pissing my off).
Maths does my head in or Maths did my head in when I was in high school.
Does it make any sense to you?
Najprosciej mozna to wytlumaczyc ze cos was irytuje denerwuje i nie dajecie sobie z tym rady (a na pewno nie z latwoscia). Ja uzywam tego idiomu na co dzien kiedy wspolpracuje z "trudnymi" ludzmi (troublemakers) czy rozwiazujac trudne zadania (issues).
Learning english does my head in as it is like never ending story!!!!
What does your head in? Does your job do your head in? Mine does :)))
Not only that, haters do my head in!!!
Thanks for reading. Hope you have a nice evening :)
Bye Bye
It does my head in.
to make somebody feel confused and unhappy, to annoy, to frustrate
I've been trying to make sense of all these sales figures and it's doing my head in.
This song is doing my head in.
Christmas shopping does my head in.
You're doing my head in (You're pissing my off).
Maths does my head in or Maths did my head in when I was in high school.
Does it make any sense to you?
Najprosciej mozna to wytlumaczyc ze cos was irytuje denerwuje i nie dajecie sobie z tym rady (a na pewno nie z latwoscia). Ja uzywam tego idiomu na co dzien kiedy wspolpracuje z "trudnymi" ludzmi (troublemakers) czy rozwiazujac trudne zadania (issues).
Learning english does my head in as it is like never ending story!!!!
What does your head in? Does your job do your head in? Mine does :)))
Not only that, haters do my head in!!!
Thanks for reading. Hope you have a nice evening :)
Bye Bye
Friday, 1 March 2013
Friday's afernoon ....
Hello everyone :)
Hope you are enjoying friday's afternoon :)
Frankly, I couldn't be bothered to think about a nice topic for today's post.
I have been busy at work and later I am going to gym so won't have time to post.
Ponizej znajdziecie kilka prostych zdan do short talk w piatkowe popoludnia w pracy - wiadomo ze mijajac kogos w firmowej kuchnii / break area / w windzie zdarzy sie ze trzeba o czyms zagadac, kilka przykladow:
What are you doing this weekend?
What are you up to this weekend?
Do you have any plans for this weekend?
Any plans for the weekend?
Plany juz ustalone:
I‘m working this weekend.
I‘m going shopping with my friends.
We‘re having a party at our place Saturday night!
I‘m meeting my parents for dinner tomorrow.
I‘m going to the U2 concert!
Jesli macie plany ale jeszcze nie jestescie na 100% pewni co bedziecie robic:
I‘m going to clean my entire house this weekend!
We are going to look for a new car!
Jesli pogoda dopisze:
If the weather is nice this weekend, I‘ll take my friend to the park.
Have a nice weekend.
Hope you are enjoying friday's afternoon :)
Frankly, I couldn't be bothered to think about a nice topic for today's post.
I have been busy at work and later I am going to gym so won't have time to post.
Ponizej znajdziecie kilka prostych zdan do short talk w piatkowe popoludnia w pracy - wiadomo ze mijajac kogos w firmowej kuchnii / break area / w windzie zdarzy sie ze trzeba o czyms zagadac, kilka przykladow:
What are you doing this weekend?
What are you up to this weekend?
Do you have any plans for this weekend?
Any plans for the weekend?
Plany juz ustalone:
I‘m working this weekend.
I‘m going shopping with my friends.
We‘re having a party at our place Saturday night!
I‘m meeting my parents for dinner tomorrow.
I‘m going to the U2 concert!
Jesli macie plany ale jeszcze nie jestescie na 100% pewni co bedziecie robic:
I‘m going to clean my entire house this weekend!
We are going to look for a new car!
Jesli pogoda dopisze:
If the weather is nice this weekend, I‘ll take my friend to the park.
Have a nice weekend.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
How are you getting on?
Jak ci idzie (z twoja nauka angielskiego / praca / z zadaniem ktore w danej chwili robisz) ?
Jesli chcecie wiedziec jak dokladnie powiedziec to po angielsku to zapamietajcie te proste zdanie:
How are you getting on?
W odpowiedzi mozecie uzyc nastepujacych sformulowan, jest to zdanie ktore w wiekszosci przypadkow zadaje sie z grzecznosci nie zeby wyciagnac od kogos stos informacji:
1. Pretty well. / quite well.
2. Fine
3. All right.
Aby zapytac o konkretne zadanie czy rzecz dodajcie "WITH" i rzeczownik i bedziecie miec gotowe zdanie :
Ross: How did you get on with your job interview yesterday?
Monica: Well, It was fine.
Monica: How are you getting on in your new flat?
Ross: We're getting on quite well with the decorating.
Boss: How are you getting on with this piece of work?
Empoyee: I'm getting there /
Monica: How are you getting on following your illness?
Friend: Ohh, thanks for asking. I'm fine.
Warto wspomniec ze w mowie potocznej Anglicy nie mowia czasownika "are" - czesciej uslyszycie:
How you getting on with your work?
No i nie musze chyba przypominac ( ale zrobie to just in case) przy wymowie czasownika getting
mowimy w zasadzie "getyn"
Mozecie zawsze odpowiedziec:
I can't be bothered to do anything :)))
Dzieki za uwage
Jesli chcecie wiedziec jak dokladnie powiedziec to po angielsku to zapamietajcie te proste zdanie:
How are you getting on?
W odpowiedzi mozecie uzyc nastepujacych sformulowan, jest to zdanie ktore w wiekszosci przypadkow zadaje sie z grzecznosci nie zeby wyciagnac od kogos stos informacji:
1. Pretty well. / quite well.
2. Fine
3. All right.
Aby zapytac o konkretne zadanie czy rzecz dodajcie "WITH" i rzeczownik i bedziecie miec gotowe zdanie :
Ross: How did you get on with your job interview yesterday?
Monica: Well, It was fine.
Monica: How are you getting on in your new flat?
Ross: We're getting on quite well with the decorating.
Boss: How are you getting on with this piece of work?
Empoyee: I'm getting there /
Monica: How are you getting on following your illness?
Friend: Ohh, thanks for asking. I'm fine.
Warto wspomniec ze w mowie potocznej Anglicy nie mowia czasownika "are" - czesciej uslyszycie:
How you getting on with your work?
No i nie musze chyba przypominac ( ale zrobie to just in case) przy wymowie czasownika getting
mowimy w zasadzie "getyn"
Mozecie zawsze odpowiedziec:
I can't be bothered to do anything :)))
Dzieki za uwage
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
I can't be bothered ...
Moze nie najlepszy pomysl na pierwszego posta na blogu ale chyba kazdy z nas uzywa tego zdania kilka razy dziennie wiec szkoda by bylo nie wiedziec jak to powiedziec po angielsku ...
nie chce mi sie !!!
I can't be bothered!!!
I'd go out tonight but I can't be bothered.
She couldn't even be bothered to say hello / help us.
I can't be bothered to do the washing tonight.
Jest wiele rzeczy ktorymi nie chcemy zaprzatac sobie glowy dlatego wlasnie w kazdej z tych sytuacji uzyjemy tego prostego sformulowania.
Some days you just cannot be bothered! If you have days like that, or know someone who does, then this fine design may be just the message to portray to the world!
Do I look like I'm bothered???
nie chce mi sie !!!
I can't be bothered!!!
I'd go out tonight but I can't be bothered.
She couldn't even be bothered to say hello / help us.
I can't be bothered to do the washing tonight.
Jest wiele rzeczy ktorymi nie chcemy zaprzatac sobie glowy dlatego wlasnie w kazdej z tych sytuacji uzyjemy tego prostego sformulowania.
Some days you just cannot be bothered! If you have days like that, or know someone who does, then this fine design may be just the message to portray to the world!
Do I look like I'm bothered???
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