I did it!!! I did it!!!
I asked my manager for a pay rise. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either so there is still a chance to get it. I also asked him when I could pick this up with him again as it is very important for me to get a pay rise. He said in a month time. The reson for that is that our team is in the middle of some restructures and changes that needs to be done. And also, he is in discusion with head of department regarding our team role in company groth and success ... I know this is true as I have already spoken to him about this.
Changing the subject - I had bought a uv lamp for drying nail varnish and one girl from reception asked my if I could let her know if it's good or not as she bought one for £80 pound and it wasn't good.
W jaki sposob opisac problemy z komputerem?
I can only assume - moge sie tylko domyslac ze ...
My computer is playing up - moj komputer nie pracuje tak jak powinien (cos musialo sie zepsuc)
My computer is running very slowly - pracuje bardzo wolno
Reboot your computer - restart
My computer is unresponsive and is too slow to load anything - nie odpowiada, zbyt wolny by cokolwiek zaladowac.
My computer has frozen up and it won't let me opening anything. - zawiesil sie i nie pozwala nic otwierac
takes a long time to start up - zabiera mu duzo czasu zeby sie wlaczyc.
beep - wydawac odglosy
What do you think could be wrong?
Could you please look into this and fix it?
It could be overheated - przegrzany
It could be a processor going bad - procesor mogl sie zepsuc
It could be a virus - moze to byc wirus.
Having said that - uzywamy gdy wyrazilismy swoja opinie / stwierdzilismy jakis fakt i co w zwiazku z tym nastepuje. Housing is expensive in UK. Having said that I need to ask for a pay rise.
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